Infrascanner Product Information


The Infrascanner is a portable screening device that uses Near-Infrared (NIR) technology to screen patients for intracranial bleeding, identifying those who would most benefit from immediate referral to a CT scan, pharmacological or neurosurgical intervention. In the triage of head trauma patients, the Infrascanner can identify patients most likely to have intracranial bleeding.

Detection Abilities:

  • Effective with both conscious and unconscious patients.
  • Patient measurement is completed within 2-3 minutes.
  • Can detect hepatomas greater than 3.5 cc in volume.
  • Detects hematomas up to 2.5 cm deep from the surface of the brain (or 3.5cm from the skin surface).
  • Weight: 400 grams or 14.11 Ounces
  • Rechargeable or AA Batteries

Clinical Overview

  • A 431 patient, multi-center clinical trial, demonstrated that the Infrascanner was better than a physical examination alone in identifying patients at high risk of intracranial bleeding.
  • The Infrascanner is light-weight and handheld, and provides a simple, positive or negative graphic report and can be used as a simple extension of the routine neurological examination.
  • The Infrascanner is not a replacement for a CT scan. It is a simple, easy-to-use screening tool which can be used to identify high-risk patients, who can then be prioritized for transportation to a trauma center where a CT scan and neurosurgical treatment is available.
  • Statistics from Iraq shows that 30% of all wounded in action have head injuries, and 40% of them have brain hematomas. Intracranial hematomas are a significant but treatable cause of secondary brain injury in patients with head trauma.


Click on the below links to download data.

Infrascanner Brochure

Infrascanner White Paper

Brain Injury 2010

Chinese Military Study

JBO 2000

Summary of Infrascanner Clinical Data